Important Dates in Indian History

Important Dates in Indian History - Flash Cards

Important Dates in Indian History - Flash Cards

Ancient India

  • Indus Valley Civilization: 2600-1900 BCE
  • Ashoka's Coronation: 269 BCE
  • Maurya Dynasty: 322-185 BCE
  • Gupta Dynasty: 320-550 CE

Medieval India

  • Delhi Sultanate: 1206-1526 CE
  • Battle of Panipat (First): 1526
  • Mughal Empire: 1526-1857
  • Battle of Plassey: 1757
  • Formation of the East India Company: 1600

Modern India

  • Indian National Congress Founded: 1885
  • First War of Indian Independence (Sepoy Mutiny): 1857
  • Gandhi's Dandi March: 1930
  • Quit India Movement: 1942
  • Indian Independence: August 15, 1947
  • Formation of the Republic of India: January 26, 1950

Post-Independence India

  • First General Elections: 1951-1952
  • Indian Constitution Adopted: November 26, 1949
  • Indo-China War: 1962
  • Indo-Pakistani War (First): 1947-1948
  • Green Revolution: 1960s
  • Emergency Period: 1975-1977
  • Indian Economic Reforms: 1991

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